Thursday, September 10, 2009

VB RAW test sesh

I had been waiting about a week for my Canon photo5 Box, so when when the delivery man came to my door with a large box I thought 'yes, finally - can't wait to get started on this beauty.' But then the delivery man said someone sent me some grog. Really? What? Who? Huh? "Well you did something right" he says as he leaves.
It was grog - beer! I had signed up for a taste test of the new VB RAW. I put the bottles in the fridge to get them nice and cold. Then I got some Doritos, opened up a bottle and put on some music. It was a pity my friends were still at work or I would have shared it around.
The beer was great. The lower end of beer for me goes: VB, Tooheys New, Carlton Draught (you know when you're down on your last buck but you want a drink so bad you go for the cheap ones). This is one of those beers I'll probably have as my regular beer (like TED or Coopers). I'd definitely have this during a gig or at a club. I usually hate the aftertaste of beer but it's barely noticeable with VB RAW.
I got a few more bottles left that I just might have on the weekend.
Off topic post? Kinda, but they say they may put a few gigs on. Knowing me I think I told them to put You Am I on.

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