Friday, September 18, 2009

Don't Call This a Comeback

So, LTTL must be truly back. Just shot a gig for Faster Louder. Mmm, got given a piece of plastic gold (photo pass). I shot the Grinspoon gig at The Factory on thursday night. I never thought I'd ever go and see them, not because I don't like them (I do and have for 8-9 years) but I guess I was just too much into the punk scene to give them a chance. 
The two support acts (Bridgemary Kiss and Philadelphia Grand Jury) were great as well. BMK were the typical Brit indie band, even though I'm sure they were just putting the accent on. PGJ were a whole lot of energy. What was weird though was all the between-song-banter was pre-recorded. At first I didn't know who was talking.
I didn't know what Grinspoon would be like live so I watched them on Rove and that was a really tame performance. Then when I saw them perform at their own show I was quite surprised. The first few minutes was a blur to me because all the band members were just moving so fast around the stage. Then I tried to focus and eventually was able to get some good photos. I thought I had only taken photos for two songs when security ushered me out of the photo pit but it turns out the first song was just very short.
I stayed for a few more songs, but I wasn't getting into Grinspoon like I do with other bands so I left. Maybe a few more drinks would have made me stay. I was very glad to be in a bed though, because I had to get up early to buy my Soundwave ticket. So far I know I can at least attend. I'm not sure if I'll get to cover it for any music magazines yet. I would like to.

While I was in Sydney I did a bit more experimenting for the Canon Photo5 contest and I ended up damaging my bokeh hood. I think I've got a final photo that I'll enter into the competition. I like it but I don't think it looks like a winner. Only time will tell. 

The next gig is October 3rd and it's either Kisschasy or Wolf & Cub. I hope it's Kisschasy because I've been listening to them a lot. I just want to take it easy and work towards finishing my portfolio for Disability Week and do more for The Pictures street team that I run. 

For more Grinspoon photos check

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